Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mini-B's New Groove

Now, our daughter likes to sing and she likes to dance. We are excited about that. We encourage it. We've said that we wouldn't be surprised if her interest in these things grew when she got older. But we didn't think that older would mean 19 months!

If you don't know what she's dancing to, scroll down and click play.

Yes, that's right folks, Soul Train. We were watching a show about Adventure Racing and then I went into the kitchen to get something. The next thing I know, my daughter changed the channel and was groovin'!

The 4th

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Mini-B is learning to swim!

I was swimming with Mini-B at the pool in our apartment complex. That is nothing unusual. She really likes the water. But today she starting venturing out and swimming (well, sort of..) Check out the video!

More fun at the parks!

This weekend we made it back to Hyland Park, which is located right next to where I work. We parked at QBP and took a nice walk through the woods along the hike/bike trail. That led us to this great play area. Check out the video of Ru playing and then sleeping in the car on the way home. Come to MN and you can play in the park with us!

More fun at the parks photos!

Here are some photos of Ru at the park and of her sleeping with her new baby doll on the way home.

Nature Valley Grand Prix

So every year about this time, Minnesota plays host to the Nature Valley Grand Prix - the Midwest's premier cycling event. The Bojangles turned out for two of the five days of racing, both the Friday night downtown criterium and the Sunday finale at Stillwater, MN. Check out the video!