Can you believe that this bouquet cost only $20 (including the vase)! I think it was normally $25 but the guy liked us. I tipped him 4 bucks (all the ones I had in my wallet) because we enjoyed the experience so much. Then he yelled out to all his buddys like he was a little kid, "I got a tip!" We decided we had to go back and get a photo with the guy. Come see us and we'll take you to see Jim and the boys!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
How much did you guess?
Can you believe that this bouquet cost only $20 (including the vase)! I think it was normally $25 but the guy liked us. I tipped him 4 bucks (all the ones I had in my wallet) because we enjoyed the experience so much. Then he yelled out to all his buddys like he was a little kid, "I got a tip!" We decided we had to go back and get a photo with the guy. Come see us and we'll take you to see Jim and the boys!
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