Sunday, September 02, 2007

The State Fair

Check out our video of the 2007 Minnesota State Fair. It was a great time. We saw lots of stuff (like giant robots and marching bands and RC Cola and a space needle) and ate lots of crazy food. In no particular order the Bojangles consumed a foot-long hotdog, a bacon-wrapped turkey tenderloin on-a-stick, a plate of cheese curds, a funnel cake, a snow cone, and a deep-fried Snickers bar on-a-stick!

1 comment:

Thomas Supercinski said...

Ah, the State Fair! We were listening to Prairie Home this weekend broadcasting from the fair and I wondered if you guys were going to go to the fair. I'm also glad you ate all kinds of food on a stick.

Happy Belated Birthday Alan! I was riding my bike last night and thought of you.