Monday, March 31, 2008

Funny things Ru says

Story #1

So Alan and I have had some trouble getting Ru to eat her dinner so we told her if she didn't eat her dinner she could not have anything for the rest of the night and would have to wait til morning for breakfast. So she choose not tho eat her dinner a couple of nigth back. Well, she was hungry and wanted some food and I told her no. SO later on that night she was on the potty chair and Alan had Isaiah. Isaiah started crying and I yelled out to Alan not to put him to sleep because I need to feed him.
Then Ru in a whiny yet sweet voice says "FEED MEEEEEE". It was so cute it took all I had not to start laughing.

Story #2

So it snowed tonite. Thats right folks March 31st and we had a freakin blizzard. Not quite that bad but they were calling off school and evening classes. And for all you Texans out there it take a lot to call off school up here. Anyway, while we were walking to the door. I told Ru to say "Snow, snow go away come back another day" She said it and then turned to me and said " BUT I WANT TO KEEP IT". I know she is being such a traitor to her southern roots.

Okay well that's all I got.
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Amber said...

LOL That's adorable. I want snow! ;)

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