Sunday, January 25, 2009

Date Night Continued

So Mary and I decided after one regular round to bowl the Fun Crazy way. First you bowl with your right hand. Then you bowl with your left hand, then granny style and then a turn around backwards granny style (pictured here) and then last but not least
Sit down on your but and roll the ball down the alley has hard as you can. (Nicely demonstrated.) May I add that Mary's score only suffered a few points by this new and improved bowling technique.
The guys on the other hand were a little bit more competitive. Though they both did give the fun crazy bowling a try, it was all business.

And this was the funniest sight all night. See those ice cream containers hanging from the roof. That's right folks, they not only serve as decorations but also come in handy when your roof has some leaks in it. These "decorations" were all over the place.

All in all, it was a great night out. The kids didn't kill the babysitter and were all nicely tucked away in bed when we got home! YAY !!
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