Monday, July 06, 2009

DEFINITELY a Sawilowsky !!!

We had T-Bones for dinner tonite and Ru ate all of the filet off of my steak plus some more. She definitely ate way more steak than I did. Then she asked for the bone. Papaw, I am sure you are proud !!!
Gettin' every little bit that she can.

Even Isaiah, who doesn't eat dinner 75% of the time decided to chomp away at his steak. He had the filet from Alan's steak and though you see a couple of pieces left actually ate ALL of it. We have been playing a game where we tell jokingly tell him not to eat his food. He automatically sticks it in his mouth and laughs. Then looks at us with raised eybrows ready for us to tell him not to again. He enjoys the attention !!!
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Unknown said...

Wow!! Motorcycle mama and daddy!
They look so adorable and soooo happy!!

Steph said...

That is hilarious! SInce I've never cooked a steak in my life, I kinda don't think we will have a blog post like that of Jada...unless you guys to cook t-bones at a reunion :) Love your pics and motorcycles too!

Jacob said...

off the topic, but we (jacob and corrie) have a question for you:
what are you doing with your children at Michael's rehearsal and then the wedding?

Rachel said...

Well, I am thinking that either Alan or my grandparents will watch them during the rehearsal before the dinner. As for the ceremony, I have no clue. Probably have them sit with my grandparents. Though now that you ask there is little chance my son will sit through the wedding without making some outburst. Mike invited Alan's parents and sister so I am praying one set will come and just take the kids for us if not then I might have Alan watch him in the back since I am in the wedding. That probably doesn't help you out though.

I will say that I am sure there will be a lot of kids because there are more kids than adults on a typical Sunday at Reedemer so I am not expecting the wedding to be completely quiet.

Jacob said...

Thanks - Peter will be fine, and Elisabeth shouldn't be a problem, but our little 2 year old blessing (Stephen)...he may be an issue. We're still working on it.

Joslin3 said...

Love it! I still remember quite a long while ago when Ru spent the night. We had grilled steaks and cooked hotdogs for the girls. HA.
Maybe a minute into dinner Ru looked at her hotdog, looked up and said, can I have some steak please? hehe
She's one smart girl!!