Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Slacker !!!! ( not really though)

Yesterday after I picked Ru up from a play date, I told her we were going to home so I could get dinner cooked. She asked why Daddy doesn't ever cook. I told her he has a job a QBP and that my job is to hang out with them, cook, clean, grocery shop and go to the Y :) Ru then said, WHY do YOU have FIVE jobs and daddy only has ONE !!!! hehehe


alan said...


Joslin3 said...


Nicole said...

I love this! It reminds me of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. In that book, the author explains how he involves his kids w/doing chores. As a family, they list out all the responsibilities (paying bills, earning money, grocery shopping, cooking, etc.) and then assign members of the family to each one. As the kids see how much their parents are responsible for, they understand why they need to participate in the cleaning/upkeep of the home. So Ru is on her way to having her "jobs"!