Saturday, June 26, 2010

Strawberry Picking and a Murder Mystery Party

So the kids and I went strawberry picking with my friend Emily and her son Alex. We had a good time except for the slugs that were all over the strawberries !!! Isaiah ate almost all of the strawberries that he picked and I am sure there were slugs on some of them. He didn't seem to mind :)  I decided to make some quick freezer jam with some of the strawberries, froze some for later, and  the rest we are enjoying now.
Yummy :)
I am not the "dress up" type when it comes to parties but I decided to try and get into the spirit of the ladies night murder mystery. I went to at least 5 to 10 vintage stores to find a dress and this was the one that was in my price range :) I decided while looking that I just don't do well with this type of creative stuff. I know that some of my friends could have easily pieced together a couple of outfits that would have looked AWESOME ( Laura, Leah, Sara, Emily and Steph. Lee)  and I knew I was not pulling things together like I wanted but alas I tried. I am glad I got into the spirit of things because it was a lot of fun !!!! Thanks Ashley for all of the planning. It was a HUGE success :) 

Last but not least, I am training for a half Marathon on August 7th !!! I am not going to say that I will get there but so far my friend Laura and i have been doing one long run on Wednesday nights. Every week we add a mile. So far our longest run has been 8.5 miles. This Wednesday we might shoot for 10. We should be running two more short distances a week but really-who has time for all that plus lifting weights. I will say that the best part of running is getting to talk with Laura,who is moving to New York in mid August :( BOO that you are leaving, YAY that your hubby got a teaching job :). Yet again, there is NO WAY I would run this far without a friend to talk to. When I run by myself I give out after 3 miles-just too boring.
Oh, I must add that my hubby has been such a great sport watching the kiddos while I run and is doing a great job encouraging me. Thanks handsome man for supporting me and for being awesome !!!

Isaiah happenings !!!

Here is a cute video of the little man. He LOVES to sing and loves Toy Story 1, 2, and 3 :) This age has been a lot of fun. I felt like i missed the two to three stage with Ru since Isaiah was just born and things were crazy. So it has been really sweet to be fully engaged with Isaiah at this age. He definitely has a fun energetic personality.

That's right folks !!!!! He is potty and poopy trained !!!! HURRAY. He has gone one full week without ANY accidents so I feel somewhat confident in saying that he is finished :) I am hoping in the next month he will be out of diapers at night as well. He really dislikes wearing a diaper to bed but his diaper isn't completely dry in the morning yet. I can tell he just goes a little in his diaper during the night so I think we are close. I am sooo thankful that this went so easy.  I know it could have been much worse and I was bracing for it .  I promise no more posts about potty training :)

He also just went in to the doctors for a checkup and for shots. He currently is in the 70 percentile on height and 45th percentile on weight.  After the nurses gave him the shots he was crying, gave them a VERY dirty look and said "You huwt me".