Monday, August 18, 2008

Ru's Update

Well, summer has been a blast for Ru. She has been a little fish in the "puddles" as our friend Ashley would put it. All the Minneapolis parks have wading pools for the kids to play in but you have to search a lot harder to find a regular sized pool. The second picture is Ru with her friend Maddo. They are in the same class at Sunday school. Ru loves all the kiddos in her class. She is always asking to go to church so she can play with them- my little socialite. Which is why I have officially enrolled her in PRESCHOOL !! YEAH. One of our friends at church told us about a preschool that is only four block from my house. It is out of a home with two moms from our sister church Hope Community. They both have early education degrees. I think Ru will absolutely love it. Besides water, Ru is enjoying playing with play dough,going to the children's museum, the Minnesota zoo, parks and her swing set.
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